
River Wye canoe hire is an ideal way to enjoy everything that the River Wye has to offer while providing you with a healthy and ecologically friendly method of transport.

It also means that you do not need to buy expensive canoes and equipment to accompany them and you can be sure that you use an up to date and well maintained canoe to try out a sport that is loved by millions across the world. What better way is there to get out in the fresh air and enjoy nature at its best?

Canoeing is a leisure activity that many people enjoy every single day but it is also more than that. It is very healthy and it works various muscle groups in the body providing as close to an all body workout as one can get.

You can take canoeing at your own pace so if you’re in it for the sightseeing and the natural surroundings then you can able slowly down the River Wye. Alternatively, you can set the pace and head out to get a serious cardio and muscular workout